Distance Learning

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The Manaiakalani Programme Distance Learning

Manaiakalani School Leaders: Preparing Learning Sites for Distance Learning (2020)

Manaiakalani Sites for teachers and learners to harness for distance learning

Click above for more distance learning in our classrooms

Feed back from our teachers is some of the most successful activities during distance learning have actively involved the whole whānau. Check out the Summer Learning Journey blog for some awesome whānau activities for your learners to try and share on their blogs.

Google Meet Challenges also include preparing to participate successfully online.

Blog Comment Competition: set this up for learners to connect with blog commenting from home.

We are making smart decisions about how we interact online

Meet Tip: Open the Google Meet Etiquette on a separate tab when you Meet with your learners.

If learners in your Meet need to refocus at anytime - stop and share this tab on your screen.

Elevate the positive and take a couple of minutes to focus the korero on the elements in the graphic.

Being Cybersmart empowers our learners to know what to do when they are online. Cybersmart: Google Meet