For further support creating and managing edublogs
Request an Edublog via this form
Scheduling Posts on your Class Blog
Because your class blog is linked from your school's site this will often be how visitors locate your learners' individual blogs. We recommend adding a blog roll of your learners' blogs is displayed on your class blog. Ask your facilitator to help set this up, takes <5min
If your learners are actively sharing on their own blogs, use their posts to keep your class blog refreshed ... even if it is only one post a week!

In classes where learners do not have individual blogs the class blog is a powerful platform for sharing and connecting with an authentic audience.
The Manaiakalani Schools in Tāmaki have shared how they have connected with whānau to encourage and support blog commenting.
Visit our Cybersmart site to read more and contact your facilitator for support.
edublogs Tips and Recommendations: Add this copy to your Drive as we will be updating regularly
Blogging 2022+ Getting Started
Quick links in the slide deck
The teacher will have three tasks to complete BEFORE the learner logs into their blog
Paste the set text into the heading description e.g.
I am a Year x learner at xxx School in Auckland, NZ. I am in Room 3 and my teacher is xxx
Link back to the previous blog in the widget in the top left sidebar
Smart Footprint
In the first week/s support learners to create and share an About Me profile blog post. This will feature in the top right sidebar.
Empower learners who have been sharing on their blog to reconnect with their digital footprint and their responsibility to create and nurture a positive online presence they and their whānau, can be proud of.
Consider how you can harness existing blog posts (class and individual) to connect learners with the elements of creating a Smart Footprint. Our learners have a rich history of sharing online ... we don't need to make stuff up!
While there are examples on the cybersmart site that can act as a springboard to repurpose/design lessons, include ideas/contexts that are personalised and inclusive and also take into account your learners.
Link profile to widget
Once the learner has posted their profile the teacher, as admin of the learner's blog, will link this post and profile picture in the
About Me | Ko Wai Ahau widget in the top right sidebar - see screencast right.
Tip: Add media first then paste link to the blog post

This is a really handy tip shared by Vicki from DFI. Use the edublogs reader to navigate, read and comment on all your learners' blogs within the edublogs reader.