Manaiakalani Cluster Staff Meetings 2024
Term 4: Cybersmart - Smart Media
Term 3: Tohatoha - Share
Harnessing the affordances of technology and our network of connected learning communities across Aotearoa, you are invited to register for ONE of two facilitated online sessions in Google Meet.
Monday 5th August 3:30pm - 4:15pm
Wednesday 7th August 3:30pm - 4:15pm
Small groups will be formed in response to your choice of curriculum level and Teaching topic. This is an opportunity to connect and share strategies with educators who have been focussing on similar achievement challenges.
This session is designed to be conversational... No screen sharing or presentations and Meets will not be recorded.
Participant Feedback:
"It was awesome listening to the teachers who shared their experiences with BSLA. It is great to know what to expect and the challenges."
"Some good resources were shared on our slide deck for today's hui. Made some good connections. Hopefully will carry on after our hui"
Term 2: Hanga - Create
Create - Hanga is the Hook… and today we are focussing our attention specifically on how Digital Technologies Empower Creativity.
For all our schools empowering our young people, of all ages, to be creative has been significantly enriched by the intentional use of modern technologies. The Manaiakalani Programme recognises that digital technologies enable us ALL to create in new ways.
We are confident the digital create workshops today will provide us with time and opportunity to learn through creating as we continue to remind ourselves that Create does not have to take hours… when planned for effectively and supported by deliberate acts of teaching, creating with digital technologies can be a short and powerful experience.
For The Manaiakalani Programme Create - Hanga is built on engagement and empowerment, specifically to meet that foundation goal of The Manaiakalani Programme, written back in 2006 to “Motivate our learners to ENGAGE with the curriculum"
Our graphic represents the raft of digital create opportunities that engage young people today.
Each year we revisit the Manaiakalani pedagogical framework of Ako Hanga Tohatoha, and every year, in term two, we focus on Create - Hanga
When we talk about Create, the symbolism in our logo and our name - the hook of heaven or Manaiakalani is at the forefront of our minds.
Term 1: Ako - Learn
Use the form to indicate if there is any content from the Term 1 Staff Meeting you would find helpful to dive deeper into.
This form is shared with our cluster and we will use the feedback to potentially offer Toolkits either online or Face2Face.
Also register for regular online Toolkits.
12th - 13th - 14th March 2024